Friday, November 14, 2008

Temple Visit and Medical Examination

We started our day with a visit to the Six Banyan Temple. There is a beautiful Pagoda there and incense all around. We saw Buddhas and monks among the many local people worshiping there. After the Temple, we headed to the Jade Market. This is something I have been waiting for. When we came for Megan I did not purchase a Jade bracelet. Well, I have a beautiful one on my wrist tonight! It was worth the wait and I wasn't going to regret passing it up again. We actually bought two because Chinese tradition is that the bangle bracelet is passed on to the daughter on her wedding day. What a beautiful thought that I will wear both of the bracelets before giving them to my daughters on the occasion of their marriage. It brings tears to my eyes just to look at them. We love the picture of our guide, Kelly, with Megan at the fish pond in the Jade Market. Megan was enthralled with the painter using only his fingers and palms to create beautiful landscapes. She spent much time watching him while Mommy was shopping.

After the Jade Market we returned to the Hotel. We were all hungry. We decided, along with the Martin family that we would like to get some noodles on the Island. Our guide sent us to a "locals place" slightly off the beaten path. When Erin (as you will see in the photo) lifted the chicken foot onto her spoon....we were done! We ended up back at Lucy's next to the hotel for grilled cheese sandwiches!

In the afternoon, the babies had to have their final physical exam. I took Madelyn to the medical clinic while Matt and Megan did some school work and went to the pool. The water was 70 degrees.....brrrrrrrrr! Didn't stop Miss Megan! Madelyn weighed in at 16.5 pounds (smallest in our group) and 27.1 inches long. She is little but adorable. I bought some squeaky shoes at a local store tonight and Madelyn was delighted. She loves the noise they make and just laughs a big belly laugh! They are cute and fun.....can't wait to share them with all of you :o)

It was a good day but after going so strong we decided to stay in the room for the evening. We have not had many breaks and are really tired. We look forward to a few slower days to come. Much of our paperwork is now complete so the process continues until we come home 1 week from today. That will be a glorious day!

We love you and can't wait to see you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have loved following your blog. Mag weighed 16.6 at her check up, so Madelyn is a little peanut. You all look so happy. You have the China smile in all your pictures. Those were probably the happiest days of my life.