Monday, November 17, 2008

A trip to the Park

We have an early post today. We went to the grocery store this morning and then spent some time at a local park. We have some down time this afternoon, which is much needed. We even stayed in for lunch. Megan didn't want to go out and wanted Peanut butter and jelly for lunch so I ran to the 7-Eleven and bought some fresh bread. We all had PB&J and it never tasted better!

Lynne is going out later for some solo time and I will have both girls. Megan has to do some school work and Madelyn, well... she will either still be napping or will be up for some play time. We are really lucky that she plays well by herself with whatever she can get her hands on. She especially likes the empty water bottles and plastic bowls. She grabbed the news paper off the coffee table today, pulled at the business section, looked at the headlines and promptly threw it on the floor and began crinkling it up. I feel the same way when I read the business section ;0)

Our trip to the park was a lot of fun. There were a lot of mosquitoes so I am glad were only there about an hour. They had several carnival rides that we promptly avoided and we headed straight for the play ground. The kids had a great time while the adults swatted bugs.

We are going to a well known Cantonese restaurant for dinner tonight. The group went there a few nights ago and we chose to stay in so we are looking forward to it. It is supposed to be very good with some great spicy dishes (and NO CHICKEN FEET!).

I don't expect anything newsworthy to happen this afternoon so we will post again tomorrow.

Until then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt, Lynne and family;

It sounds like everything is going so well! It has been a lot of fun to watch this journey unfold.

I can only say you'll be in my prayers on your return home - especially the flight (I did a 4 hour trip with my 21 month old daughter during which time she never stopped crying - I couldn't imagine going half-way around the world with two kids!!! You both deserve the Angel-of-the-year awards! ;)